Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Writing a formal letter

Writing a formal letter

What were your next steps that you set at the start of this unit. Copy and paste the next steps from your doc called letter writing checking my first attempt.

I need to add in the date to my letter Writing and I also need to have an address for where the letter needs to to sent to and also my school address.

Which of these next steps did you achieve?
I have achieved all of these next steps in my letter writing.

Which of these next steps did you NOT achieve? Why do you think this was?
I achieved all of them.

Overall what have you learned about writing a formal letter.

I have learnt many things about writing a letter when I wrote my first attempt of the letter I think that I did very well for my first attempt because I had only missed two things but when I did my second letter I had fixed up the two things that I had missed out.

Treat of Waitangi

Technology Excellence post 5

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