Thursday, July 28, 2016

3D learning

Today Brook and I had to make a slide and answer so question about 3D printing
This is a link of our slide  LINK

My CARE Progress

I have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year.

I am proud of my progress because I am onto my silver chart already.

How far away are you from reaching your SILVER? I only need 12 more highlighted until I get my silver

The area of CARE that I need to try harder in Active thinking because I need to turn up right time right place.

To achieve my SILVER award quicker I need to…… record my ticks more

The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is………. try and achieve as meany ticks as I can

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I can describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place

Over the past 7 weeks I have been learning to describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place

I can describe these characteristics in a piece of music…
  1. Melody, It is part of the song that gets stuck in your head or is repeated
  2. Harmony, It is a happy song or a sad song.
  3. Rhythm, It is how the song changes it gets faster or slower
  4. Form, It is how the song is put together.
  5. Timbre, It is the different background sound / people.
Here is an example of my learning Link

Technology Excellence post 5

Technology Excellence post 5 Each Thursday in the week the year 7/8's at Oaklands have to go to technology this means that we have to...